Athira Etha Interlude: Tales of Kings and Demons (Patreon)
Today we're peeking into the endless library of the former capital and pulling out some interesting stories that helped to build Athira Etha! So, sit back, relax, learn and be entertained as we gain some context from history itself!
Sorry about the delay on this one. i'll tell you, the worst thing about Steam release so far (from the video production side of things) is those little text boxes that I gotta show in teh episodes. Like, I guess I don't haaaave to do it, but the on-screen text is so small most of teh time that if I don't go and resize it, it gets all blurry and crappy looking. Anyways, this video had like 140 of those damn things lol.
Goodness, PLUS there were a ton of pics I wanted to draw and got sorta hung up on that as well. Of course I didnt' get around to doing all the ones I wanted either. It's a damn shame I tell ya.
Anywho, I hope you like this one, my bearded bastards. Thanks for your support in all this.