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  It took some doing but we (Kruggsmash & Bro) set up a Discord​™ server for you all! Come join the fun and have a direct line to your benevolent overlord Kruggsmash™! Spend long hours distracting him from the task you all are so generously funding!

But seriously it would be nice to chat with you all and this seemed the best way, so without further adieu! 

Create/Link an existing Discord™ account to your Patreon and an invite should shortly be sent to you ~automagically™~

I that DOESN'T WORK please message me and I will have an invite sent to you promptly™*!

And remember duders be sure to KruggSMASH™ that like button and stay tuned for the only df content that matters! 


The content of this Patreon post is copyright 2017 Kruggsmash© all rights reserved. Duplication and distribution of this post are strictly prohibited.


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