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Had a good time drawing these dwarves even though they were sorta boring in terms of the dwarves I tend to draw. I dunno, maybe it was just knowing that it was from a different game and I didn't know what to expect. I will say that knowing there wasn't a looming Thursday deadline really helped me take extra time on the individual scenes which felt nice. Eager to see what sort of pics come out of the next Delve episode. Hoping I can produce the thing a little quicker this time!



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You know I was revisiting Monsterkiller and it amazes me how far your drawing skills have come. The perspective in the picture of the worm rising is expertly done and it really does feel like the viewer is being tossed aside along with the dwarves. Keep it up, you bearded bastard! I look forward to seeing where Delve goes next!


I would love to see another game of delve! And I don't think any of us would blame you if you wanted to reuse some bits of drawings to save time :)


Super loved Delve, and this actually inspired me to go and get the game and a pack of standard cards (which I surprisingly did not already own). Would love to see you play this again. Husband and I wonder if you've thought about using some of your art to release a little tileset for Delve on Etsy? I could imagine the empty rooms you already drew as big, flat cardboard tiles. The different types of rooms you drew could go on top of them or replace them. And then one could use figurines or tokens to put units on them. I know I would personally love that - who knows what the market is on that kind of thing though. =D


Delve was great! Glad you’re playing some pen and paper games; I’ve been getting into map/world building games lately and highly recommend Ex Novo and The Ground Itself. I’d gladly send the pdfs if you’re interested!