Patreon charges reminder! (Patreon)
Hey m'bastards. Just giving you guys a reminder that my patreon page is going to resume on the first of May. I'm a little disappointed that I won't be able to get this episode out before then, but it was sort of a tricky game I picked for my first foray into this ditching-thursday-release idea. Barring any huge issues, i'm hoping it'll be out before the end of next week.
I can't say for sure how my channel will pan out in terms of uploads from now on. I'm going to continue putting in effort on these things and some are naturally going to take longer than others, but I just wanted to give you guys a little heads up about the process here.
I've said it before and i'll say it again, Thank you for your help. You never have to feel bad about pulling your support. You've already done way more for me and my family than you ever had to and it means an awful lot. I appreciate all you've done.