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"The flag is a gonfalon (banner) with a solid grey-brown background and a diagonal bar of deep green from right to left. The emblem is a willow tree and a treebranch."

(Flag description from chaoticshiny.com)

I thought it'd be pretty neat to supplement this Delve gameplay with a slew of other random generators. Figure since i'm going to do a bunch of drawing, I might as well try to get to know these guys a little bit, eh? I think this will also serve as a good test to see how random generators can be used to enhance games that I play going forward.




Hi just a note. I think you turned off donations last month? I was not able to access the content because my donation for the month did not go through. not sure how many people this is happening for. I went ahead and redonated to see this content.


Hrmm, well I got 24 likes on the post yesterday. I guess I assume people who are still subbed to certain tiers are still able to see what they're subscribed to regardless of whether they're charged or not.