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 Guys, I really gotta apologize for how long this things taking. Really bit off a lot more than I could chew- obviously. Just going with the flow though. Here's a little bit from the episode. Got a fair bit of this sort of stuff in there.

Also, I've suspended payment here on patreon for April. I don't like that I haven't produced anything for this long and I do really feel bad for that. Thanks for having my back through this thing, guys.

Still, shooting for sunday with this thing. I don't know if it;s foolish to say that at this point. It might well be, but i'm saying it regardless.


Audience chatter

Comin' along!



Don't be daft, you *are* producing!


Will you please just take my money? No need to suspend anything man :)


Me and I would say almost all people on your patreon aren't here to "buy" your content but to support you such that you can do the thing you want to do. It pains me to read that you have to feel bad about not creating enough content (Argh, I hate thate expression...) and I can deeply sympathize with the feeling of only taking and not giving enough back. But I will gladly support you with my money especially in this time where it seems that you need that support the most! You have given me so much joy and pleasure with your videos and you have helped me through some really tough times of my own. If there's anything else I can do just let me know! :-* Please take care of yourself! Love you Kruggs! <3


You goofbug, take our money we want to support you and what you do. You can't rush art and anyone with one braincell can see you put out top notch stuff. Take your time man we're not going anywhere. If you cancel next month's payment as well I will be forced to upgrade my patreon tier in protest! Seriously though don't push yourself man.


Upgrading in support of you, too man. Here for the long run, don't suspend again you hear me? <3


I love you and respect your decision, sir. It isn't necessary to suspend the April payment, but I understand. If folks felt like they were not getting what they were paying for they would withdrawal. As far as I'm concerned l, this is a Kruggsmash and DF commune.


Totally unnecessary to suspend April's payment. You need the support to make your content, and it sounds like your peeps (me included) don't mind you taking the extra time. We do appreciate the thoughtfulness though, you're a good chap!


Take my money!

Melody Williamson

Who do you get to voice some of the characters in your episodes? Are they your friends or other youtubers?


I usually find people on Fiverr. Very good selection of untapped talent on there. This here was "Becca". Both characters. I'll put a link to her stuff in the completed episode. She did a stellar job!


Oops, I accidentally deleted your reply, Agnusthefinaldr. Was trying to reply: Hey sorry to leave you hanging like that. Yeah it was a real bummer, but i'm only taking so long because I want to make the coolest splatterface round yet. Got some other things going on too. It'll be out before much longer though, yeah. Thanks for the support, dude


Man, no worries. I only just discovered your channel so I'm sure getting a lot of value for my first $5. Also, if this episode is turning into a beast, would you ever think of splitting it into a two-parter? Either way, no rush!


No problem, I love the stuff you make and the worlds you build take as much time as you need dude. You do this type of content better than anyone I have found. Taking a game like DF and turning the gameplay and your stories into something that people love and can get passionate about (for better or worse) is a very special thing, Looking forward to it. OR you could go full evil and turn the robos loose on the crowd.......


The finale was great! So no worries there. I would've been okay with a 2-parter as well, if it helps keep on a regular schedule. With the amount of effort you put into the content surrounding the actual bouts, a ~20 minute episode is perfect. Plus, you gotta think of the Almighty Algorithm, praise RNGsus. Krugg deserves more eyeballs.