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 Ok, ok. I got the thing where I want it and it'll be coming out tomorrow, 2/22/2022 at 8pm.

You guys really are too good to me. Very patient. I appreciate every bit of it and you gotta know that this thing ended up looking a lot better than I imagined it would. Really edited the hell outta it. The spectacle...is real.

Thanks for everything, you bearded bastards!




Looking forward to it! At least for me, I would rather be patient, knowing I will get the quality we know you can produce!


Can't wait to see it dude :D also you put 2/21/2022 when I think you meant 2/22/2022 :P Just figured I'd let ya know ya beautiful bearded bastard. Don't work yourself to hard! (I know it's probably too late to say that, but I'mma say it anyway XD)


Just got off the premiere and even though I not only enjoyed the event AND my personal favorite survived to the third round I must shamefully make my way to Hall of Crying Babies. Seriously though, although I am going to complain I want to thank you for the presentation and all your hard work. The team fights were a wonderful addition that I greatly enjoyed. Now then, on with the crying. Not to break Kayfabe but I am aware that our Lord of the Beautiful Bastards has direct control over the proceedings. Even with that being the case, in-universe the elimination matches felt... arbitrary. There was no realistic possibility of survival for those cursed by fate. Given the merits of his performance I am sad to see The Eye join our hall of legends with such an ignominious end.