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 I feel I need to preface this with: This is just me talking out some bafflement. I get the sense that whenever I talk about my perception of the viewer's opinions that it comes off that i'm super broken up about it. I am not. Just thinking out loud because I get confused sometimes.

Hoo boy. Lotta comments about the "spicy thumbnail" on this one. I dunno, I guess I just don't see it that way. Like, I get where people are coming from, but all these years i've drawn perky-nipped muscular dwarves, extremely overweight naked creatures (with visible breasts), nude giantesses just *barely* covered by their own hair but then I start drawing "sexy" dwarves and people take notice? Hell I had a few people who seemed to be really taken aback by it, even. That there seems like an obvious double standard to me. Like, I could understand if I was doing it to be manipulative or something. "Clickbait", I suppose. But I really just picked that particular pic because it fit well there. Guess I can't blame people for being sensitive to manipulative tactics used by businesses, corporations and youtubers. But hell, if I wanted the big views I would *not* be making these videos! lol

Again, i'm not broken up about this. Just talking for the sake of it. I've been having a lot of fun trying to improve my understanding of the human (or dwarven) form! Certainly not going to stop. Might have to throw another glistening muscular fella up there to balance things out again though, eh?



Post with 1 views.



This breastplate has been studded with ruby nip covers. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality.


Honestly, I'm a bit confused what's so spicy. Just feels right at home with the heavy metal/sword & sorcery astetic. Or maybe it just me being a Scandinavian and not understanding Americans again...


Can't see how anyone could possibly have a problem with this Krugg! Love this series! Keep doing what your doing!


The world is filled with people of varying tastes and opinions. You will never universally please them all. The secret to happiness is no longer caring about the opinion others. You know who .you are and what you're doing. Be confident in that.


Totally, yes. I mean, thats where i'm at right now. I just still have a hard time seeing where some people come from.


I was utterly baffled by this at first. What on earth could anyone take offense at! But, then I saw a tiny (actual thumbnail sized) version and, by golly, if you squint just right you might think she’s not actually supposed to be wearing armor. Try stepping back a few feet and squinting, I bet that’s what people thought they saw.


Screw the prudes! The art is awesome! 😁


These are people who have obviously never seen 70's and 80's fantasy book covers. :D Honestly, as much skin as your dwarves are showing, it's tame compared to some of those pics!


Personally loving the style as always; forget about the prudes, just do what you do best, my dude!

Koen Bollen

I'll add a passive opinion to balance out: I didn't even noticed, can couldnt care less for explicit drawings. Draw w/e you want!


If you're not causing controversy you're not an artist. Keep up the good work.


Aw man, sorry you have to deal wiht that dude. I don't mind at all! There's nothing wrong with drawing attractive female forms, and like you said, you run the gambit of drawing all sorts. So don't let it bother you dude. Just keep up the good work and keep up the awesome creativity :D