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 As much trouble as I had with this episode, I can't help but like it I gueeesss. I think one of the most poignant moments was when Imiwa found the goblin helm near that necromancer. That moment by itself really pulled the series together in my mind. Goblins only joined Scorchfountain's forces after Moldath conquered their cave. They were then sent out after Chamberpoint. Now we find a dead goblin who clearly works for The Abbey of Proliferation amongst this random necromancer's junk. I thought that was pretty cool. Most of the time i'm struggling to force everything together in some sort of overarching narrative, but to find something like this really solidifies it for me.



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Thanks for sticking through the production issues. The episode turned out great anyways, and with quite an ending. And yeah, that dead scout is just a perfect little plot point.


Hey, it's my pleasure. It was worth it in the end. So many nice comments and folks who were waiting for a return to this series!