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 Hey I wanted to take a second to thank you guys for all your help. It really means a lot to mrs K and I. You've been very kind with all your support and with your patience through this past year. I didn't know how folks would feel about the every-fourth-week schedule change this past year but it has made things so much easier for us in a lot of ways. Your understanding means the world, guys. I know this might seem like a hollow platitude from some jerk on the internet, but it's really not. Take it as you will, my bastards.

Also, I usually send out messages through Patreon here when new patrons sign up but i've made a bit of a slip-up and said "i'll get around to it when Splatterface is done", but here we are a month and a half later and people have joined/left/increased donations/decreased donations since and figuring who to send messages to would take hours. Hours, that I could spend on this little side-project thing over here which i'm sure you fellas would appreciate more, anyways. So yes, this goes to all you new patrons who I regret not sending messages to. Thank you all so very much and please feel free to reach out anytime. Either through here or Discord (where i'm online almost 24/7, heh).

Picture above is one I drew in mspaint for a friend of mine's mech-oriented roleplay. It's based on one from an Avatar movie or something I think.

But yes, Thanks again, guys




You rock Kruggs, the stories you weave and kindness convey come from a good place in your heart. We can all see it. As an aside, you ever consider doing a webcomic? That's a dope mech and it'd be cool to follow a Krugg OC sci-fi piece!


Thank you, Matt. I would *love* to do a comic of some sort, but I haven't been able to find the time for it yet. Hopefully one day, eh? I think it'd be a real cool project.


Robot crab feels extremely related. It is the traditional robot crab of thankfulness. It is known.


Keep on keepin on ya glorious bearded bastard!


New patron here, but viewer for several years. I figured it was overdue I throw some support your way after the amazing finale to Splatterface II, and I'm glad to hear it helps you out. I greatly enjoy your work, and I look forward to seeing what happens next. Thanks ya bastard! (P.S. Chronicles of Ladlor, when?)


Heya! Welcome aboard, dude. Yes, it most certainly does help us and also allows me to work on side projects like the thing I got cooking right now. Kind of experimental, really. hoping it works out! Heh, a lot of folks liked little Ladlor. A shame we didn't see more of him, eh? Might have to think of something to do with the guy next year, eh?


I think you did a good job giving cameos to old characters this year, without having them overstay their welcome and take the spotlight from the new contenders. It struck a good balance. As for Ladlor, I think the concept would also make a fun character to play in something like DnD sometime.


Felt obligated to join given this is more entertaining than most big budget media out there.


Hey Krugg, I get that you want to keep up with the community and all. Just don't be too hard on yourself. 1 Minute spend with every Patron is almost as many minutes as a day has. So I think it is understandable that there are limits to your schedule ;-) You've already managed to make me pick up a pencil and start drawing myself, that is a feat few creators possess. Sail on, bearded one!