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   Guess i'm pretty late with this gallery. What a shlub, huh? Feel free to scream at me through discord if you notice me slacking with this stuff {:))

  Good pics with this episode I thought. I feel like I never do a satisfying job with giants/cyclops/ettin in my forts, but THIS one..this one is a good one I think. Just kinda really forced myself to do something new with her. I also really liked putting together the little cinematic intro for the big beastie as well.   

Also, imgur was being a pain in the ass this week for some reason, so i'm uploading them on here.




This is really spectacular. I especially like the shifts in perspective around the cyclops, and the way you slowly crank up the level of detail until we see her in her full shrubbery-clad awfulness.


At this point, pretty sure I'd rather watch you play DF than play myself!