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 Oops! Dunno what happened but it looks like I forgot to post this thing {:))

But yes, fun pics as always. Really been leaning hard into the floating pics with this series so far which you've probably noticed. Like, the big pics are fun and all, but I don't feel like we've looked at a single event long enough to warrant a full on pic of anything. Kinda more engaging doing the smaller floating pics anyways most of the time (even if it can be a bit intensive to do this many small pics!)

Gonna have to make sure to draw more fairies next episode, huh? Gross things.



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The expressions were absolutely great in this episode! That crying panda made me laugh pretty damn hard. Would be cool the see a pic of their enclosure whenever it's done. (If they don't die first of course...)


Yes more fairies please 🙂. Cute little Bastards.


glad you liked the pics! Might doodle up the compound whenever the fort is a little more settled. lol. this place is pure chaos even now {:))