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 Figured i'd change it up a little. I made it look like the floors/walls are made of wooden logs, but that might change in the future as we start using more stone.

Here's what it'll look like in-game. Haven't done anything with the colors yet, but I might end up tweaking them a bit.




Hey Krugg. I know that DF is mostly designed with a monospace fixed width font in mind, but I sometimes wonder if it could be kerned better. I feel a bit of parsing friction when reading a person's thoughts. TTF fonts don't work in that view for some reason... Has this ever come across your mind?


Are you making a fort in adventure mode?


Hum...just personal opinion of course, but I like the older one better (been using it myself, for which I should thank you, being my favourite tileset).


I like it, it matches the current aesthetic of that fort (being new and roughly made). Plus I think the log floors just look nice in general.


He's done a few like that in the past. Most notably bim silversnarl and his badgerman fortress https://youtu.be/e2JXgQxiDYo although there's also his hermit fort that is kinda similar. https://youtu.be/hRECMuwBt_c there's also one where he made a tavern in adventure mode that I don't remember the title of.


Ha ha, Sorry. Kerning has to do with how the text is spaced. TTF is True Type Font. I was referring to the thoughts and preferences view. I shouldn't write comments at 3am.