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 Trying to get things prepared for the non short-fort series I'd like to do soon. Was going to keep some of this secret, but sometimes you fellas give me some great ideas and I figured some feedback would be nice, too.

First off, I still don't know for sure when we'll be starting this thing. Trying to wait for all the bugs to be picked out of the current release. According to Toady, it should be wrapping up around the end of the month.

Now then. Things i'd like to include in the next long series:



-Fairly standard dwarven fort (at the start anyways)

-Advanced world generation edits so the caverns are *very* spacious.

-Some minor modded bits

As for the "modded bits", so far i'm thinking we could add a new type of creature. I had help from Squamous (maker of the Long Night mod) and was able to come up with "Giant cave beetles" which I think fit DF pretty well. We made it so they can be used by dwarves much like how standard domesticated beasts of burden can be used now but with a few extra perks.

    -Wagon pullers


     -War beasts. They can be used in fortress defense and as hunting animals. Not sure how this will go. Their exoskeleton makes things a little *different* in that they have their skeleton on the outside and and damage sustained will lead to immediate structural damage. Time will tell!

     -Egg layer and general food source. They lay 1-3 eggs at a time and the beetles themselves are pretty big at 900,000  cm3  which fits them in somewhere between a polar bear and a water buffalo.

     -Chitinous exoskeleton can be used in armor making. Chitin armor is a tweak. You can't normally make it but I thought it'd be neat if we had the option. That being said, chitin armor is very very bad.

    -Possible threats? The Beetles can be found roaming the caverns just like many other creatures and despite their looks, these beetles are aggressive. I imagine they could make short work of a civilian.

Overall I think it's a neat little touch to add. Trying to not go too hard into the idea and i'll wait for some more feedback. That being said, I have has visions of beetle themes military squads and armor and it's gotten me a little excited!

Another thing i'd like to toy around with is the idea of changing up the dwarves standard gear loadout. They always have high boots/gauntlets/breastplates/helms etc. but there are a few other options available to the other races in the game. As an example, I think it would be neat to have mask wearing/flail wielding dwarves charging into battle and just have that be who are dwarves are, you know? Still haven't really decided what i'll be doing in the way of equipment changes, but most likely, i'll keep the options somewhat randomly generated. Always a big fan of that random factor!

One last thing I wanted to do is make some changes to my tileset. You can see some scribbling in that attached note picture up there but I was wondering if you guys had anything you'd like to see changed.

Phew. That was longer than I thought it'd be. Anyways, lemme' know what you guys think, eh?




I like the ideas! I also like to allow head scarfs on the dwarf civ, seems kind of appropriate.


Go villain, no?