Dwarf Fortress Mod: The Long Night (Patreon)
Man ruled the solar system, once. In its grand epoch spanning thousands of years, Earth was the jewel of a great solar empire. None know for sure what happened exactly. The future is uncertain. All that can be known is that this night will be long and harsh indeed, and only the hardiest and most determined will even stand a chance of seeing a new dawn.
Yes, today we will be trying out another mod. One by the Dwarf Fortress modder, Squamous. The mod is called "The Long Night" and takes place far in the distant future of Earth. The world is in tatters, technology has advanced wildy and humanity is no longer a clearly defined term.
This will be one hell of a wild sci-fi cyberpunk ride.
Download The Long Night: http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14134