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 Did a bunch of shading throughout this episode (which I don't normally do) and I ca't say i'll be attempting it again! Still trying to find out what the best course of action is when it comes to the drawings. I don't want to make them too dull, but the detailed ones are super time killers! A balancing act indeed.

Krugg's pic-o-the-week:

 I never have time to plan pics, really so I just gotta try to slam em' out as fast as possible. I never know what one I'll like the most until after the video is out and people keep mentioning certain ones!

This guy was a viewer favorite and y'know it has really grown on me. 

 Also, I take no credit for the design. While I wasn't thinking of it at the time, I remember seeing a monster in a DnD book a while ago that looked similar to this. That must be where I got the idea from.



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Some of the drawings would work pretty well as simple animations. I know it sounds like even more work, but hear me out. Like how the episode starts, with frame and the moving pic. I thought that was super cool. Same way with some images with cave, hallway, landscape etc. backdrop, and then the creatures/wagons etc. could just slide one way, maybe shrink or grow in size. Such view could also stay on screen a bit longer I think. I'm sure you already have had this idea, I'm just saying I like it and if trying it once means few less pics in one episode, then so be it! I had to try it myself: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/19173057">https://www.patreon.com/posts/19173057</a>


It wa another great episode and this drawing is indeed epic! I know you don't have much time for drawing lately but it's been working out awesomely and YOUR GOAL IS ALMOST THERE!! Just hang on, man. We're with you for the ride!


Hey, as long as you dudes got my back, I can do ANYTHING! WE can do this! You rock :)


Ohh yes yes! That is very cool, dude! I WAS actually doing a lotta that during the Steelclutches series, remember? Almost every intro had a similar into bit. I'd like to do more of that but Since i've upped the quality of the artwork in MK here, I haven't had any extra time to play around with! In time though..in time :)