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 Last episode we lost our first sponsored dwarves. Bomrek the Explorer and Adil the Fortress Guard.

 Bomrek was the first dwarf in Ushangvagush to explore the wide, open world and really jump started a new age for Monsterkiller, i'd say. Bomrek now explored the boundless realms of dwarven gods and kings.

 Adil killed (quite a few) monsters and annoying beasts in the fort during his relatively short stint as guardsman and hammerer. Adil now wals the halls of his fathers alongside his wife who perished in a fairly recent goblins siege. They leave behind a young daughter.

 I really like doing this whole "sponsored dwarf" thing, by the way. It can add so much flavor to the experience!




Rest in Piece, my bearded fellas! May your risky expeditions not have been in vain, Bomrek. And, Adil, reunited with your loved one, may your daughter grow strong to avenge her parents!


We need to create some sarcophagi or grave stones for our sponsored beards ;p


Adil's young daughter title/focus, like wee Venomblood?