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 Note sheet for episode #4.

 A lot of the time i'm outside at work or somewhere else with no computer access while i'm drawing, so I have to draw little doodles to remember what certain things look like.

 Pictured here we can see:

-An "Eyi" prototype

-A badger

-A skinless grizzly bear

-A batlike wing

-A weretapir

-A human bowman (weretapir)

-A scroll, a rose cut gem and a Chicory flower.

Here's the backside. We see here:

-A fungiwood prototype

-A cat skull

-A taro plant

Note: Mrs. K and I did a bunch of art while we were waiting at the mechanic for our car to get fixed. We were writing notes to each other so the other customers couldn't hear us. 

Messages include:

-Stunk beagle


-That sighing annoys me (Mrs K referring to another customer)

-Cajun rice and beans (crossed out)




Looks like the notes of Leonardo da Vinci. <a href="http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/11-leonardo-da-vincis-notes-british-library.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/11-leonardo-da-vincis-notes-british-library.jpg</a> Hope you do not mind the comparison :P


Haha, what are "stunk beagle" and "ween"?


Hey, very similar! Unfortunately though, the minds behind them are vastly different methinks :()