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Welcome to the Sunday update! We've had two new characters and their names have been polled.

First up, winning  with 32% majority, Ayane is the name of our Punk girl.

Here is a concept of what she may look like if she drinks the serum. Who are we kidding, of course she does!

Next up, for our more tidy and ladylike new girl, her name was voted to be Lisa / Elizabeth! With a whopping 40% majority!

Thank you everyone for your participation!

Now for the update on the game progress

Manami's story has been written for ep4. She will start taking microdoses of the serum around school just as Saya plans to do. She after all, cannot take all the verbal abuse from Hino and likes the feeling of control she gets from the serum.

Manami is determined to be a lead actress in the school play.

Hino must be growing suspicious with all the girls in her class gaining muscle... and with the protagonist being suddenly this popular guy. 

That's right, you asked for it. Yes Hino will be a dateable character in ep4!

That's it for this weeks update! 

In other news. I plan on posting more nsfw art for super and above subscribers here on patreon. Art that is not directly tied to the game -but is too spicy to drop on twitter.

See you soon and have a fantastic Sunday evening!

