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Merry Christmas! Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas day.

We missed doing the update post yesterday because well, it was Christmas eve! But that doesn't mean there hasn't been progress on the game!

Finishing up the last parts of Naomi's story - she has a new opponent who travelled all the way from the US!

With this part done, EP3 final is close to being taken out of beta and getting a full release.


Also, fellow creator and savior angel Gobbo, has designed interactive QTE events that will appear in the game. Is there anything this man cannot do?? Last week he made a chapter select and now minigames.

One such minigame is the shooting range with Saya, you will now actually have to shoot the targets with a time limit, and get the potential to earn proficiency stats depending on how you perform. 

We will share video demonstration in the Discord since patreon doesn't do well with video embeds.

Once again, Merry Christmas and we will see you with another update next week!





Already loving this blonde opponent.


Merry Christmas! Stay safe everyone. Have fun!