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Hey everyone! Exciting news, I will publish an open beta of the game's build next Sunday!

This will be available for ALL tiers.

Hopefully by next Sunday, I will have completed work on all the paths - and all the beta will be missing are the story events that trigger on set days.

Current progress:

Manami's Route is completely finished, with numerous dates. We get to encourage her as she tries to gain more confidence without relying on the serum by joining the drama club.

Unfortunately for Manami, Hino is there too...

More stuff:

  • Added sex scene with Yuka if you are dating her when you go pickup a batch of the serum on Kasumi's route.
  • Can now consume items on evening time choice
  • finished Saya's dates
  • Kasumi can be leveled up to 4 now
  • Day-night transition cutscene plays when you go to bed (faaaancy!)

Plus bugfixes from previous beta:

  • Saya won't insist on being your GF anymore (haha awwh)
  • Fixed stats screen - works now in ep2 and 3
  • Incorrect character references to Saya when getting ep1 yuka ending 
  • Fixed broken phone UI when getting texts from Yuka
  • Fixed broken phone UI when getting texts from Kasumi
  •  Fixed bouncer speaker error
  •  Fixed missing sprites for Kasumi smiling and laughing variations
  • Missing images for Kasumi's random dates
  • Fixed wrong sprite used for Miyu park date where a chibi head appeared
  • Fixed bug where Kaori would not appear properly in stat screen

So many dates!!

So many choices!

I hope you're excited for the beta next week!

Like I stated at the start of this post, it will be open to all tier subs as this version will be far more stable and bug-free than previous release. 

Now, a quick word to you about release dates.

I've learned that giving a release date is not optimal. It only ends up causing a lot of stress for me as a developer and in the end, it is disappointing for you when I cannot meet those deadlines.

Developing a huge game like this simply takes time. With every release I learn new things and learn how much time certain tasks take. 

This is a game made with passion and I really want it to be an incredible experience for you. I don't want to cut corners to meet release dates. So I decided I won't set release dates anymore.

Here's what I will do instead:

I will be very transparent about how the progress is going. I will tell you exactly what's left to be done.
I will also do more playable builds for those of you who want to test things before it's finished. Maybe a beta every now and then as a showcase of whatever we have at the time, where I can get valuable feedback from you.

In the end this is a passion project from one FMG fan to another. And as a patron you are supporting the development of the game. So I want to do as much as I can to have you along as a part of the development process.

Thank you so much for supporting the project! Looking forward to next sunday!

All the best,

-Jon, author of Stronggirls.




I agree with chaseme231. The fact that you keep us up to date is refreshing compared to other fmg-creators, since I don't have to ask myself every month if the person I'm supporting is actually working on what I'm trying to support. I mean, even if you wouldn't work on the project as much as you do, it still makes a big difference for me to simply know that. With that in mind, I think you're doing great.


Thanks mate! You’re doing great. I look forward to the completion of the game. Like everyone mentioned, we all happy you’re taking your time to finish this the way you want. Again your health is important too, so I like that your adjusting your work flow with your health in mind. God bless and be healthy and be safe on your journeys.