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  • 2023-10-18_18-27-34.mp4



Jon here with another update.

This week will showcase a new huge improvement to the game.

Goblinounours has been working hard to add a phone texting UI. What he has pulled off is totally bonkers. Check the video in the attachments for a full demonstration! 

This UI includes sound effects, scrollable text history, and even sending images (so the girls can send you nice pics :))

On top of that, each character gets a chibi icon as a cherry on top.

Adding this UI was important to us because in EP3 you will have 6 different girls at any time to reach out to.


Other Updates: You will get another classmate. She's a real bitch. You'll love her.

We haven't made a poll for the design or name yet. However this is the design we're using at the moment. If you want any adjustments or wish for a poll please let us know in the comments!


Other updates: The Maid naming poll has ended. You all submitted great idea names. I collected all the names that had more than 1 like or more than 1 mention and put them in a poll for super tiers and above to vote. The final name was Rin.


Overall progress update:

Writing is mostly complete for all the girls stories.

We're in the art creation phase now. 

It is hard to say exactly how long it will take to finish up Ep3 but it is clear to me that we won't have it ready before the end of the month.

It is with heavy heart that I push the release back to November 😥

I understand this may be disappointing. But I am confident that when you get the next release in your hands, you will see how much passion went into it and feel it's worth the wait. The amount of content in EP3 rivals ep1 and 2 combined in that sense.

Ep3 even includes new scenes added to previous episodes. While I'm busy writing ep3, Goblinounours has been polishing up and doing a ton of extra stuff. This includes vendors and a working inventory system.

See the screenshots below:

player character also gets a spruced up room, with daytime, evening, and nighttime variants.

That's a huge update post!

Thank you for your continued support. It has allowed the project to grow, and allowed to bring in help to make it better. Your patience is greatly appreciated! Can't wait to get this into your hands. Until release, we'll be working hard to polish things up!

All the best,





Damnnnn! You guys are putting in some serious work! Love to see it


Nice! Just want to say keep up the good work mate! Your health is also important too. I don’t mind the wait, as long it’s polish to your liking and to your belief. Seems like everyone is having fun playing and making this game. Stay safe mate and be healthy.