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I made an album of bondage muscle girls. I wish to share this to Ultra Supporters. I hope to deliver consistent value to you all to show my appreciation of your support!

Album is available on the discord. - check the Ultra supporter channel

If you have suggestions for any other thematic albums or even specific character, please post below!

While I love working on the game, I sometimes need to take a break to work on other things. So I want to use that time to make stuff for Ultra Tier.

Have a great day!

-Jon,, author of stronggirls

p.s. While I did edit many of the pics, some of the pics may still have wonky hands or errors, but I left them in because otherwise they looked good 😎



I adore this! Also I know some of the earlier stuff on deviantart while definitely not as erotic thematically was really satisfying for me at least. Like in particular the hyper-muscular girls in evening wear!


Posted this in Discord as well. I just joined and started the game so I don't know how things play out but I was browsing the BDSM images and had an idea. I love the idea of restraining someone with the metal bands and chains only for them to grow so intensely that they break their bonds but what if two of the girls compete in this manner? Have their restraints linked so as they grow, they strengthen the restraints on the other. When one finally wins and bursts out of their bonds, the other needs a significant boost to not be crushed. Seems like the drink is the driving factor for the growth so the loser would need to intake more to survive spurring more growth. The Winner would get a suitable reward whether it be a double dose, orgasm, or anything else that would make sense for that character. Just an idea I had, so far this is an awesome experience.