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Hi everyone! Hope you've had fun with the game. Thank you for the feedback and the continued support!

Work on Episode 3 is under way. The theme for Episode 3 is more player choice. While Episode 2 was a continuation with your canon girlfriend and somewhat linear in the second half, it served to set up the stage for Episode 3.

In the next update you will have more choices of how to spend your time and there will be entirely optional sub-stories to pursue. Because of this I am hesitant to put a definite release date. For this to work, Ep3 will be the biggest update we've ever done.

Release will probably happen towards the second half of next month (October). I will make weekly updates every Sunday to report on my progress along with some teaser images (like this post).

You've seen the polls for new characters, a lot of them may be optional.

So far the planning for Ep3 is mostly done, with some writing finished. But not much art created yet. Will work hard to make this the best update worth your time!

Also, we've given the girls last names!

Manami is Morita 森田 Which uses the kanji for forest, and rice paddy.

Saya is Shimizu 志水 Which uses the kanji for ambition and water,

Yuka is Yumeno 夢野 Which uses the kanji for dream and plain.

The kanji won't be used in the game but I thought it would be neat to put some thought into having a last name that is both a REAL Japanese name, and with kanji choices that somewhat reflects the personalities of the girls.

If you want more sneak-peeks or just join the discussion, hop on over to the discord!

Until the next update, have a great day!

-Jon, author of StrongGirls.
