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Hi everyone! Just a quick update

I will aim to release Episode 2 on September 3rd, two weeks from now. I appreciate your patience! For Episode 2 the project grew a lot but I hope to be able to pull it all together for a meaty release.

If you are new here: Reminder you can download episode 1 with the code NYY0CW1 on Gumroad. I use Gumroad to host the game for the moment. 

If you paid for the game on Gumroad then please message me I will refund you as it is not my intent to charge you for both patreon as well as gumroad. One person asked me about this so I hope there are not many such cases.

About Episode 2

  • You will be able to skip to episode 2 at the start of the game - or you can continue with your save.
  • The girl you ended Episode 1 with, will be your canon girlfriend for Episode 2 - you get a prologue with your girlfriend that unfolds over summer vacation.
  • There will be new characters, and some side characters you can get involved with without affecting the main story too much.

If you have any questions pop them in the comments below or hop on the discord! I would love to see story discussions too!

All the best,

Jon - Author of StrongGirls



i did pay for Gumroad and just now today here as i only found out about the patreon. And well i pay for that as well. Your very considerate with your pledge tiers so i invest this game with great interest in the visuals,unique story, character personailties and rare replayability which i think is rare for any VNs tbh.