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Happy Sunday!

Today I have an announcement.

I will start making monthly short releases. - With the first release happening today! I will provide details in a QnA format


Q: Monthly releases of the main game?
A: No, these releases will be side-stories that do not directly impact the main game story. Small FMG side adventures.

Q: Is the main character involved?
A: No the main character is not involved and your saves will not be affected.

Q: Why side stories?
A: I often get requests to make girl x dateable or people want an FMG scene with certain side characters. The current main game is complex enough with 9 dateable girls, and 2 main story paths. This makes it very time consuming to create new updates as I need to account for so many variables. With side stories, I can create something playable much faster - giving you something to enjoy while waiting for the main game releases.

Q: Why not release the main game monthly?
A: One month is simply not enough time to provide a substantial update worth repackaging the game for. The main game needs more time to cook with 9 girls and two main story paths.

Q: Will these side stories be part of the main game eventually?
A : Yes, I plan on making these side stories accessible within the main game through a separate menu. For example, you will unlock Episode Ayane after reaching ch4 end on the Kasumi lab route.

Q: Who can download these side stories?
A: Available to all paid members.

Q: Will there be unused art for these side stories?
A: Absolutely! With the new model, almost all the art looks so so good, it would be a shame not to release the unused art.

I am very excited about this and I hope you all will enjoy it as well. Monthly releases will hopefully make the wait for the main game updates more palatable. It also lets me go a bit crazy with other characters and make more of the juicy stuff without having to go too deep in coding. More sexy content, less thinking.

I also plan on having super supporters vote for what side stories will be made each month! So polls will return.


In other news: We're on the final iteration of the Stronggirls model and I've been sharing previews in the super supporter channel on the discord.

 More varied expressions and poses!


As for the main game, I am currently far along completing Saya's path. I don't have anything to show for now - just a written confirmation that work is being done.


This weeks community requests:
Oh boy you guys have kept me busy! Everyone started requesting whole FMG sequences haha! I had to take a break from doing requests for now.

Doing requests is incredibly fun and satisfying so it makes a great distraction for me when I need time of from writing or working on the game. Here are my favorites from this week:


 2024-08-Akashiya -svanced_08


That is it for this week! Enjoy Episode Ayane and let me know what you think! I will post the poll for next months episode later this week.





Side stories huh. Seems that's ur interested in putting alot of depth in those who arnt the main cast. No complaints here👍👍👍👍


I’m glad the direction is going the way your planning. Yes I agree main game does take a little longer to create or developed. Which I’m cool with it cause I’m sure lots of us could wait and want a good solid release. Again stay healthy and stay safe.