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Unused Yuka images now posted for Ultra tier subs in the discord - find them in the ultra tier content channel. (648 images)

For Yuka, I wanted to have her wear a labcoat in the lab scenes. I scrapped the idea to simply go with her regular outfit.

I may revisit the idea of having her in an alternate outfit in the labs. A baggy labcoat with bikini underneath is a bit impractical though.

If I make an outfit for the lab scenes, I'd like to find something that is professional, practical, and shows off some muscle. Hmm.




Here's a thought, have Yuka pull Kasumi's and Queens resources together for the serum, literally have three braniacs working on it. Also I think Saya and Naomi should meet

StrongGirls FMG Visual Novel

It would make sense, but I want to keep the paths of queen and kasumi distinct for the player so that it doesn't feel too samey. Saya and Naomi will meet ;)