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Annette is rather unhappy with Mercedes babying her, but Mercedes thinks she'll come around

Sent to all of your emails, please make sure to check your spam folders if you aren't seeing it.




I haven’t received any of the recent emails, and I’ve checked spam and promotions

Hey Manand

Are you sure? Because I have records of every one being sent to your email and notifications of the date and time that you opened them.

Hey Manand

If your referring to this month's emails. Patreon says you aren't in any of the patreon tiers for this month.


Yeah, pretty sure. I have no idea where it could be. When does it say I opened it last?


I had to unsub for next month but I thought it took the money out for this month already. If that’s not the case I might just be mistaken

Hey Manand

Okay I see the issue. It looks like patreon was excluding some people who cancelled there subs early in the month, about 30 people. All of you will be included in the next email batch that goes out later today. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


I’m glad we could figure it out! Thank you for your help and your work


I get the email but for some reason i can't click the image, no links to click, and the image doesn't move (assuming it was meant to be a video or something)