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I honestly wanna do all of these eventually, but let's see which I'm doing this month~



"Can we get the continuation of Milf Spin the Bottle except its the daughters spinning the bottle to see who gets to vore which mother as revenge for their party night? With alt digestion?" I'm posting this from my comment last month.


I'm a Monika simp. Sue me.


Seconding, but ALSO can we get a reedit of StB with AI voices? I don't even need lip synching. Hearing vore dirty talk is next level. I really wanna hear Raven's dismissal of Yang.


I can't belive nobody else suggested this before me it's actually such a good idea. I'm just not talented enough to make it happen.

Ruby Rose XD

I’m for the K-on but not the sex in the belly.


"Your honor, this man simps for Monika!" "Guilty and sentenced to No-Horny Camp for 30 years!"


wait could someone tell me what K-on vore is I've never heard of the term


Just watched the milf spin the bottle og and now I want this more than ever. I'm even willing to pay if that's what it takes


Are you on the discord? I'm trying to get a couple guys together tonpay for it