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You know the hated Monday, today no images are uploaded, I take the opportunity to organize my folders with images that 90% are deformities haha and advance work.

We are coming to the end of this year sure for many of ups and downs, but well, that's life, and that's the fun of it, I hope this week to put the new vote, sure it will be the best girls of 2023, so I will have a lot of material to create and know for you who are the best I will have to review several tops to add as many as possible.

I leave you the sample of the girls I am working on.

ナンジャモ(トレーナー) Iono (Pokémon Trainer)

出雲風子 Fuuko Izumo with skirt Undead Unluck 




i'm currently watching undead unluck, so fuko chan is coming perfectly 😆 ; cheer up for the last line of the year ^^'