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First of all, sorry about not posting anything new for over a week now. Christmas was a busy time for us, and then right after I got really, really sick… and still am, unfortunately. Don’t know when I’m going to be well enough to make new content, but hopefully soon.

Secondly, the entire last half of this year has been very touch and go in general when it comes to the channel. It’s something that I plan on changing in the new year, and implement a lot of new things especially on Patreon. More to come about that very soon.

Lastly, a huge THANK YOU to all of you who are still supporting us here on Patreon. I know I say it all the time, but it really means the world to us. Happy New Years, everyone 💜




You had a lot of big life changes in 2022. I’ll gladly support someone who is focusing on family. Lots of big Star Wars shows coming. Are you going to watch Bad Batch with Major Dad? Also hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy new year. Can’t wait to see more reactions in the new year.


Happy New Years🙏🏽