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Hey everyone! I just wanted to check in, and apologise for the inactivity lately. A lot has been going on that unfortunately has taken my focus away from doing and uploading things for Patreon. But I plan on catching up next week, where I’ll (finally) continue Cowboy Bebop, and make those reaction uploads more consistent (2 a week, hopefully) - also, the series 1899 (from the creators of Dark) drops on Netflix next week, and the plan is to film reactions for the series with Kat! It’s going to be a little touch and go regarding when we can watch, but I’ll post the full length reactions here as soon as possible. There’s most likely going to be some more updates soon-ish, so keep an eye out for those. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments.

As always, thank you all SO MUCH for supporting us here on Patreon! You are the ones keeping the channel alive, and we are eternally grateful for that.



You're both wonderful people who deserve everything good in life, can't wait to check out a new series with you!


As I said on Youtube. Do what you gotta do and i will be here supporting you no matter what.

Scott Louis

You are good, my guy. I’m going to do a rewatch of Andor w you and dad. Love you guys doing star wars together. Hope you, Kat, and baby are doing well and are healthy!