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Attack on Titan S04E25

This is "Attack on Titan S04E25" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



very pivotal ep


after all this time, Jean is still in love with Mikasa. that was her on the dream, you can see the scar on her cheek.


We haven't even talked this through, Marco was so right.


Jean had to let it out, Marco was his boy :( His character development has been top tier, hes come such a long way


It's either genocide the world for self defence or genocide Paradis for racism and fear. Either way it's genocide and people act morally superior because the Alliance is for genociding the Island. How pathetic and immoral of Alliance supporters, supporting genocide, racism and cannibalism. Also love how Yelena called out the hypocrisy of the Alliance in this episode. Mass murderers almost all of them, and now they want to save millions because "to save the world, sweeter words have never been spoken". Pathetic. Let's go Eren, at least you're honest. Seems like people here want the Alliance genocide. But Eren genocide is bad :(( Speaks volumes of the hypocrisy and ignorance of the people supporting the Alliance. Probably anime only people, with no knowledge of the matter. Without the rumbling, the Titan Curse won't stop. Seems like you people want a never ending nightmare of racism and people getting eaten by Titans. Your morals and ignorance is despicable.


"im forever a scout" got me crying i love jean so much he's always been one of my faves <3 such a great character

Anders Pike

Yup, honest is definitely more important than genocide on a global scale. Jesus dude.


But lets be honest for a minute, (manga aside), without the rumbling/eren, they die, or they delay their death for a few years, or just push the problem onto the next generation, which all still involves Eldian lives being cut short in having to pass on the founder / the nine. The world is not going to stop wanting to kill them, and it's not going to stop wanting to kill them even if Eren just uses the rumbling to crush the global military alliance, in fact, that would just make them want to kill them even more. So what do they do? What's the alternative here? Either all Eldians die, or everyone else dies, it's a genocide either way.


@Anders Pike, looks like you're anime only. Your hypocrisy and ignorance about the matter of things speaks volumes. "Eren genocide bad" :'( "Alliance genocide good" :)


@Asylum, people here are ignorant about the matter of things. They're anime only so discussion here is pointless.


Ah, great, we reached the stage where the whiny nerds still malding about the ending are starting to pour in the commentary section. Fun stuff


Well, I can't speak for Forx, but my comment was totally outside of what happened in the manga, and just speaking in relation to what is going on currently in the anime (to where Kat & Sonny are up to). And the only way to look at it right now, is having Eren kill the rest of the world, or have the rest of the world kill every Eldian, that is the reality of the current situation.


@Lester bait. It's so pathetic because you've clearly not read the manga, yet you're acting morally superior while supporting genocide, cannibalism and racism to exist for ever.


@Asylum People should stop acting morally superior like the alliance is, while supporting genocide, racism and cannibalism. They need to seek help.


I’m an anime only and I don’t support the “alliance”, but I don’t support Eren either. The only part about this episode I liked was when Yelena called all of them out. I think us anime onlys need the full story to be able to judge it. I think some people are very quick to support the alliance because it’s the ‘right’ thing to do but there aren’t t any ‘good’ options in aot. With that being said as of now the only character I like and feel bad for is Mikasa and I’m not liking where aot is headed


@ForxBase I read the Manga. I still dont support Eren... And I dont support Marley... But people still justifying Erens actions makes me sick. He literally wants to kill everyone on this planet, including nations that dont even know whats going on, that were occupied by Marley or even helped Eldia like Onyankopon did. Like how can you say that Genocide is not bad??


Neither side is right, but what’s the solution here? It’s genocide A or genocide B


@Asylum Exactly. That's why Alliance supporters are hypocrites.


<3 I love you I will support eren till the day I die. AOE


I don't despise you at all. I love your reactions, they are great. You guys are a joy to watch and hear, and seem like cool people. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy in supporting "Genocide B" over "Genocide A" in this fictional universe. Maybe my words were a bit harsh but that's just my passion of this show taking over. Not personal, just in isolation with this fictional universe. I don't support Eren from a moral standpoint at all. Not the alliance either. Because I'm not a hypocrite, or at least I try not to be. I support Eren from a standpoint of desire for a spectacle of an ending for a genius work of fiction for my own taste and satisfaction.


Boy, oh boy. You must be really aware that you're clearly in the wrong, that you have to hide behind strawman arguments. Nobody is supporting the genocide of Paradis. Paradis should do whatever they can to defend themselves up to the point where it requires ruthless murdering of BILLIONS of innocent people. However if this was the actual choice: We either support Eren's global genocide or the Alliance doing an Eldian genocide - in this hypothetical binary scenario - I'd do anything to support the Alliance, because they are the lesser of two evils. Also, please be respectful, and while commenting under a 4x25 video, please talk about the story up to 4x25. Nobody cares how far in the manga you are.


If you support one side over the other, you're a hypocrite. Now let's do a thought experiment based on your text: imagine yourself as an Eldian family father living a peaceful life on Paradis Island. Your whole family, friends, pets, all live with you on the island. None of you have done anything wrong. Yet, the outside world has terrorized you and your loved ones with man-eating titans for decades just for sport. And you even hear the news that the outside world would love to slaughter your family for minerals and natural resources. You hear that they love to kill your race. And now repeat your own words as the Eldian father just to prove how twisted and hypocrititcal you sound: "I'd do anything to support the Alliance, because they are the lesser of two evils." What I'm saying is: it's easy to pick one side over the other as viewers, as you're safe at home completely detached from their reality. There is no right side here and definitely no morally superior one. Killing 5 million is not morally superior to killing 5 billion.


No, I wouldn't murder billions of innocent people just because I'm not seeing an option to save my life and the life of my family without that. In the same way, that I wouldn't murder someone who's a compatible donor, and my child needs a transplant or they'll die very soon. Would you kill someone on the street, or like, a neighbour if you knew their organs are the only way to save the life of someone you love? Do you think any of your loved ones would want you to do it, and carry this burden on their conscience for the rest of their lives? Doing something supposedly for their good, but at the same time ignoring their wishes would only show that you don't care for them as people, but as objects you own and get to decide what happens for them. Eren's on his way to slaughter billions just because HE refuses to let go of those HE cherishes and HE is attached to. Eren talks all about how freedom is so important for him, but he robs his closest ones from freedom by taking away their agency on such an important matter. I'm sure if Eren was the only person who'd get killed and Mikasa told him, she'll murder countless babies, children, innocent men and women, including many Eldians, then Eren would be 100% against that idea, and you know that I'm right about this.

april 🍏

This is one of my favorite episodes. It's so lethargic to see some conversation actually happen. I also love how centered it is around Jean's character. He's had such a well-rounded character arc and is my favorite character. I love how he took the time to process his emotions about Marco's awful demise and bounced right back and told Gabi "of course" he would help her. He is forever a scout ❤️