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We are on a vacation right now, and I thought I could just upload and publish some content while I was here, but we have so far been unable to find any kind of decent Wi-Fi… I have the reactions ready on my computer and everything, but I just can’t get them out right now. Except for AoT S02E04 full length, and I will post that one soon. The rest will have to wait till next week, where there will be a pretty big content drop instead. Sorry about this y’all.

Have a great weekend!




No worries, enjoy your vacation!


Don't worry and enjoy your vacation!! 🌻


just have fun and relax <3


Enjoy your time away guys :)


Enjoy vacation!


NO WE THE VORACIOUS INTERNET MAW DEMAND NEW CONTENT! Jk happy holidays and hope you guys are enjoying your vacation! Don’t stress about us and hope you get to relax and spend that valuable time with friends and family. Sounds like you guys are gonna ramp up with a lot of reactions with Boba and Expanse and AoT so just know we appreciate it. Cheers!