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Here we go folks, we are starting the highly praised and talked about series - Invincible!
And it's about time! See what I did there? 😂 Anywho, this was a very entertaining and intriguing first episode. It was also surprisingly touching and sweet at times.. until that mind blowing ending. WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK! Haha. We can't wait to continue this crazy ride!


Invincible S01E01 Reaction FULL.mp4



Oh boy here we go


Aww poor Kat! There is definitely more blood and gore to come in this show, but The Boys is worse in my opinion. As you'll see, the storytelling definitely shines, which is great because it doesn't rely on the violence to carry it, but instead uses it as necessary a plot device. I can't wait to see how you both love or hate certain parts! <3


Yeah that ending…


Ooof if Kat isn't keen on gore, I feel bad that both Invincible AND Attack on Titan won the poll 😂

Sonny Mike Olsen

I'm not bothered by the gore in The Boys at all. Maybe because it looks so unrealistic so it's much easier for me to separate realistic from unrealistic? But with drawn/animated series it's harder for me to separate 🤔 Thank you for the kind words Seth, I hope we'll all survive this ❤️ haha! Definitely looking forward to everything

Ravjeet B

So after invincible will it be AOT or are they doing both simultaneously

matthew h

Looking forward to watching this with you guys. I've seen and enjoyed this series, but I'm with Kat. There's parts where I just have to cover the screen. Haven't seen AOT because I'd read it was pretty violent. Willing to give it a try though if you guys are.