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EDIT: It seems like there’s a pretty clear picture of what four shows are getting the most votes. So I’m going to close this poll and continue with those four over on YouTube. Thank you to everyone who voted 😊

IMPORTANT NOTE: We only watch shows in their original production language, so for many of these options it means - Japanese with English subtitles. Just so you are aware.

We've talked about the next poll for a while, and here it finally is! The four shows that gets the most votes move on to the final poll over on YouTube. And we are so excited to see what you all choose to vote for!

The poll will be up for at least a day or two.

Big hugs and much love from us both! 



We all know what's gonna win.


Brotherhood's dub is actually great, accurate as Hell, AND VERY worth it....sigh


Castlevania should win tbh, never gets any Love, and it deserves it so hard...


OMGGG hope AOT wins ;_; been waiting for this day!


Attack on titan!!! 🙌🏼


I know it's mainstream, but invincible is soo good. Watched it like 3 times now


Attack on titan with subs all the way and then Fullmetal Alchemist! I really hope it wins




Oh man Dragon Prince would be a great thematic successor to the avatar universe imo, but I know it's not gonna win here


I love FMA:B, but its so long that I am voting for Invincible first since I want to see that too and it'll be much quicker to go through

Michael Nolan

I've only seen AOT, Death Note and Invincible. Some of the other I know are worth my time, some I have no interest in. I voted for AOT.

Austin D

noooo not invicible lol. I get that it's short though, so that makes sense. FMAB should def be the dub when you both get to it. Everyone likes it more than the sub. Would be more than happy with AoT too.


invincible is so trash, eugh


I’d eventually like to see Kat and Sonny get to see Haikyuu. She would love the wholesomeness and it has a killer soundtrack

Sonny Mike Olsen

Sorry, that's on me. I'm allergic to dub, no matter how great they are to some people 🤷🏼 Kat


Attack on Titan is such an amazing piece of storytelling. In my opinion, it's quality is almost on the same level as The Expanse, with obvious differences. Invincible is also very awesome and a little easier to finish, but man, my vote definitely goes to Attack on Titan. You and Kat would love the show! It's very different from other anime. My girlfriend instantly throws AoT in her top 5 best shows ever list. Can't wait to watch whatever you guys choose regardless! <3

Austin D

ugh the dream. It will sadly be a while if that ever won a poll haha


Apparently we're a minority but I would say its absolutely essential to watch the Original first. I've known more than one person who started with Brotherhood only to not like it and wished they started with the OG. Brotherhood skips a lot of character arc/building that it assumes you know from watching the OG.

Ravjeet B

Man It looks Like either AOT or Invincible this time. Here's hoping Hunter x Hunter gets a chance one day

William Timmins

Invincible is a great show, and it's cool that it's short so it's not quite as much of a commitment. That said, it's INCREDIBLY intense and I worry about how well it'll work as a result. I didn't expect it to do well, but I will say the nice thing about She Ra is that while there are some actually cool emotional beats to the story, it's a lot more light hearted than a lot of these other options.


So AOT and Invincible won? My day got so much better. You guys will love them, especially AOT on subs.