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Not a question jus wanted to point out that the Colossus is made from the platinum domes of Zaofu. Thats why Kuvira wanted the state soo bad bcuz of those resources.


Isn't it interesting that in book 1 non-benders created mechs to protect themselves from benders to take Republic city &now in book 4 benders took that idea &expanded on it ×25! Thoughts?


Love the team work in this episode! How do u think this season is going to end?


Do you think Asami’ father redeemed himself this episode?

Lorenzo Baxter

Just one thing I wanted to point out, most of the big bending feats by Korra this episode like her throwing those huge boulders while jet packing herself up on top of a building, or her bending that huge amount of water up to the Mecha Giant, were all done without the use of the Avatar State. Korra has come a long way from book 1, and has recovered well from Zaheers attack, hasn't she?


That was a 25 foot tidal wave she made ( that’s the height of the mecha) such an insane waterbending feat without the AS