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Austin D

Where do you see Korra's character going from here? Also, any guesses for what next season's villain will be like?


Were there any aspects of Book 3 that you would've liked to see more of? I would've liked more of the spirits integrating with the world and/or more of Ba Sing Se's revolution, and more from the Red Lotus.


Just something interesting to add : all of Korra’s villains have targeted her for being the avatar and have continuously told her that she isn’t needed. I think this plays into the finale where Korra is wheelchair bound and told once again that she won’t be needed and that the airbenders will take her place while she recovers.


This book is definitely a lot “darker” than the previous ones. Some of my questions are: - First of all, how do you like the Legend of Korra so far? Compared to ATLA it’s a lot more adult (with its topics) and Korra doesn’t always have a clear-cut “happy ending”. - What are your predictions for Book 4 - Balance? A little sad bonus fact, all of Book 1 to Book 3 all happened in one year. The villains definitely need to give Korra a break. - Lastly, Zaheer is only main Red-Lotus baddie that survived, what do you think his role will be in the next book? There’s also a nice fanmade-edit of the last scene that does a amazing job at showing how Korra is feeling at the end of Book 3: https://youtu.be/1M20gHifSSw


What an ending to a season, change indeed. I find it a very bold choice to close it off on what is arguably Korra's lowest point, despite them technically "winning" in the end. Do you think more shows aimed at younger audiences should show the ramifications of physical conflict, and how coming away the victor doesn't necessarily mean everything will go back to the way things were?


How do y'all feel about Legend of Korra dropping bodies? 1st there was Amon& Tarlaq through murder-suicide then UnaVatuu by spirit-bending &now P'Li by exploded head, Ming-Hua by lightning/crushed by rocks & Ghazan by suicide. ATLA ended book 3 with a non-violent resolution & TLOK chose violence ala Cersei Lannister. Thoughts