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Bring your questions here, and we'll take a look at them after the episode.

Have a nice saturday 🦄



Hell, the connection to the Avatars is broken. Do you think Korra will be able to restore it, or is the connection lost forever?


How do you think Tenzin will change as a mentor now that he has let go of the burden of his father’s legacy?


Do you think breaking the avatar cycle was done primarily for shock value? It’s surprising and upsetting in the moment, but maybe not necessary since Korra hasn’t really been using the connection to her past lives anyway.


- 🤓😁 do you guys think after seeing Iroh and Zhao the conqueror, we are gonna get more cameos from last air bender ? - Also for context it might be too early to judge now since we haven’t reached season 3/4 however I think it’s still debatable; Don’t you think Aang is a better bender/fighter than Korra? Like Korra has “mastered all 4 elements” I feel like Korra should have won the fight against Unalaq even as a dark avatar with just water bending, Korra has four elements and the bending styles of all past avatars! No excuses! Lol - I do like the fighting styles in legend of Korra, but do you think in Avatar last airbender there was more technique and finesse in bending with most characters vs legend of Korra ?


Not sure if too late, but what are your thoughts on the Zhao scene?

Austin D

I mean there is a reason for the fighting styles in Korra though. There isn't 'more' technique or finesse in Avatar, it's just this new modern way of bending is being taught more. People like Tenzin, Unalaq, and Kya still bend like the old masters.


@Austin D I totally hear you on that! To help your points and my points we can wait for season 3 to continue this haha! Trying to avoid spoilers for next season if you catch my drift. However, I know why I am saying what I'm saying though in terms of technique being better in last airbender. The way Aang was so elusive and fluid, Azula, Ty Lee, the old heads in there too Bumi, Iroh had technique and creativity with their bending as well and so far from 1 - 2 in Korra only the chi blockers and Aman has kind of matched that in relation to Ty Lee. But on average most of the benders in last airbender were very creative, fluid and had more essence to their styles. I know you mentioned Tenzin, Unalaq and Kya but lets be honest compared to the sequel there's levels to this


Bending has evolved just as martial arts have evolved in our world. Modern "arts" (and the arts in Korra) are more practical and direct rather than "pretty," but I wouldn't say they are less capable (think of Bolin teaching Korra about her wasted movements in season 1, when she was still using older styles). It is impossible to compare ability between the people in Korra compared to older styles because they are seperated by time (also there are more advanced bending techniques per average person compared to Avatar, I would argue). In our world though practictioners of older more traditional styles do not generally hold up as much when compared with mordern mixed styles. I think if Korra went back in time she would be a monster fighter. Who knows how strong of a villain Unalaq would have been if he existed in Aang's youth.

Raul Martinez

Do you guys hate losing the connections to the past avatars as much as we did when this first came out? Lol I'm joking but not really.