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I almost forgot to do this again.. We are going to watch the episode in a few hours, and we are so excited! Hopefully some of you can still get a comment or two in before we start our discussion 😊



With the addition of the Darkhold to the main overall story line, do you think this means that Wanda is the villian in Doctor Strange 2? Since Agatha said, you have no idea of what you've done.


Ok im actually a little disappointed/underwhelmed by the finale. So much build up for this show to conclude like this (reminded me a bit of the Lost finale). A lot of unanswered questions. Still a good episode and I overall like the show. Some thoughts after only one viewing: - I didn't really like Darcy in the show, she just came in said some one liners, asked questions for the audience and thats it... - Same goes for Woo even though he did a little more - The Evan Peters "Fietro" was just a normal guy played by Evan Peters, no connection at all to X-Men or the Multiverse - Hyping up the Aerospace engineer for 2 episodes just for it to be absolutely no one... - Elizabeth Olsen teasing a "Luke Skywalker in Mando Level" Cameo that wasn't leaked before. This just didn't happen or was that supposed to be white vision? (Pietro was leaked before) - I really liked all the acting, espacially Katherin Hahn & Paul Bettany really stood out - I think Agnes was a good villain, but on the other hand Hayward was your 1 dimensional bad guy in a high position. Didn't really like what they did with him, no real motivation except bringing vision back. - White Vision shows up, punches vision a few times and is beaten by facts and logics pretty much instantly. Thought he would do much more than basically nothing Even though my thoughts on the finale aren't really that much positive, I enjoyed the show a lot! It couldn't be friday soon enough to watch the new episode. It stillt feels like the finale stretched over one more episode would've done no harm to the show. Wandas character got a lot better thanks to this show, but most of the others didn't get enough room to breath and develop their character (Hayward, Monica and even Agnes). Additions of Woo and Darcy were nice but also could've been more. Looking forward to Falcon and The Winter Soldier (and my boy Daniel Brühl aka Zeemo) now!