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I know it’s a very last minute, but hopefully some of you can still get a few comments in before we watch the episode later today.



Do you think that Agatha is actually evil? Personally, i'm still jumping back and forth on that topic.


To keep it safe...have you been singing "Agatha All Along" all week like all the rest of us? Possibly less safe...I know I'VE learned Vision & Wanda lore that I missed growing up. What's the favorite bit of them that you've picked up (in MCU continuity...show or previous movies) that you've enjoyed the most from all this? Pretty safe...do you want to smack Director Hayward in the face as badly as I do? I find the feeling has only gotten stronger, and I didn't think it was possible for that to happen.

Walter Alcaraz

I hope we get to find out what happened to the twins.