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interesting facts: - Korra became small because she was very scared when she got into the dark forest, and as we understood from the words of Iroh, the emotions of the Avatar very much affect the reality in the spirit world - If you recall Iroh's words in the series Sozin's Comet: part 2 "When we finish the war, I will drink tea and play Pai Sho every day" then as we can see in this series, he really did not lie to us :) Also, the spirit world in the Legend of Korra is very beautiful!

Lorenzo Baxter

Do you think Vaatu will escape at any point in the rest of the season? If so, would Korra be able to stop him like Wan did?


Although it's great that Iroh ended up in the spirit world, it makes me a bit sad he didn't get to see his son in the afterlife if there is one in this universe.

Austin D

Spirit Guide Iroh! I always loved this idea and it makes sense for how 'at peace' he was in AtLA. First humanoid spirit pretty much. Something I like about LoK is that Korra doesn't have an 'Iroh' like Zuko did to help her manage her anger and impulsiveness. Tenzin's the closest thing, but he is still growing himself! What kind of impact do you think Iroh would have had these past two seasons if he was present during the human world situations the crew and Korra found themselves in?

Sonny Mike Olsen

Oh dang, we already recorded the reactions. I’ll try to remember to include your comments during the intro when we watch the next episode 👍