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As Austin D recently suggested, we are going to try and do something a little bit different, where you all can ask questions or post comments about some of the stuff we are reacting to. As soon as we’ve seen an episode, we will look at these posts and include as many of your comments as we can in the discussion. Hopefully it’ll add some more interaction and inclusion when you comes to you, our dear patrons 💜

So, this one is for the newly released WandaVision Episode 6. Ask/comment away! If you’ve had a chance to see it, of course 😊



1. Who is monicas contact? 2. Agnes tried to escape, but couldnt? 3. Doesn't seem like Vision could be resurrected... he was sucked in back into the hex and was falling apart in the real world 4. This episode reminded me alot of Rick and Morty with the edge of the "Simulation" running at a low capacity 5. Whats up with Pietro? Is he real? 6. Are her kids real?


Do you have any ideas what’s going on with Pietro? He was asking a lot of questions and seems to be very aware. Do you trust him? Love your reactions!