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Hi everybody.

I have been bragging a little bit about just how good I am at naming all 50 states, but not so much where to place them. I was challenged to do a "Find the states"-quiz, by our lovely Patron Doug, so here's a short video with me, Kat, a very Danish person, trying to place all the 50 states of the USA.
I hope you like this.
If you have any more fun, little, sweet challenges for me to try out, please let me know!

Have a great and wonderful day <3



Dane tries to place all 50 states on a map (Quiz)

I have been bragging about my abilities to name all 50 states, so it's time to test if I'm actually able to place all of the states. Needless to say, since I'm not from USA, and also considering how I haven't really tested myself for a couple of months, I think I did pretty well. A huge thank you to Doug for challenging me to do this!



Being an American Political Science major who has taken advance placement geography and U.S history, I cannot even place 10 U.S states on the map...


I would have failed miserably and I’m a American

Catherine LW

Well done, Miss Kat! You did better than most Americans! I always get the New England states confused. I remember in school a long time ago, we not only had to identify the states, but had to write in the capitals. This was a fun challenge.


You’ve past with flying colors! I always get tripped up with Missouri Alabama and Arkansas for some reason. I definitely couldn’t do a map of subdivisions of Denmark, other than knowing Copenhagen and Aarhus (in the middle of Aarstreet)! I challenged you after attending a (socially distanced) bourbon tasting, and in the grand scheme of things there are spitters and swallowers, and I’m an ardent swallower, so needless to say I was pretty toasted. To think this went from a hazy gauntlet throwing to an actual video is pretty damn cool, thanks for taking the time to really do it!!


PS, maybe I can help clarify the New York/ New Jersey thing. New York City lies at the southern point of New York State, which goes all the way up to Canada and includes lots of rural land. NYC is separated from New Jersey by the Hudson River, but NYC is such a massive economic powerhouse that it’s “metropolitan area” extends into New Jersey and also Connecticut. Tons of people live in the suburbs in NJ and CT and commute to work in NYC, so it operates as one economy. Here’s a map of the metro area with NYC proper in dark blue, NY state in light blue, Jersey in green and CT in yellow. https://images.app.goo.gl/sjUyA92LazfkvHny9


Agghhh! Missed NY (my state!) we are just below the Great Lake Ontario which runs east west ( a bit unusual) and is the location of a lot of the scenes in The Expanse (Toronto is across the lake on the Canadian side!) I hope you can come and visit one day, especially Niagara Falls which is just north of Buffalo (where I grew up!) which is very beautiful and one of the seven natural wonders of the world!

Catherine LW

This isn’t really a challenge but I’d like to know what are some Danish Christmas traditions? I love trying new recipes so are there Danish Christmas cookies or other goodies you would like to share? ❤️☃️🎄


You did great! Most Americans wouldn’t get half what you got, let alone if they tried to place the different countries in Europe! 👍🏼


girl i'm American and can barely place 20

Alexis Cardarella

The east coast is the worst for me, and like many have said, you did better than most Americans! I’m pretty impressed!

Sonny Mike Olsen

Sorry 💔💔 I sometimes get a bit confused with NJ and NY. Would love to come at some point, when we're allowed to travel again


Considering most Americans couldn't find Denmark on a map this is most impressive.


tfw you only know where is texas because of that spongebob episode 😅


whaaaat?? omggg ,Ok its time to react to it! 🤣*JK*

Austin D

When you think of "America", what first comes to your mind?


Great job for a fer'ner. :)

Ricardo Chavez

Im from the us and all i can tell you is California and Texas