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EDIT: Those of you who are for two at a time, you are really making some compelling arguments. Since we are going to discuss each episode individually, like we usually do, then spacing them out might be the best.. Hmm, we’re gonna leave this post up overnight, and then we will make a decision tomorrow. Thank you all so much for voting and voicing your opinions!

Hey guys, we have a little question for ya.

Some people have been expressing desires for us to either release the last episodes two at a time or all four at once. We don't really have a preference ourselves, but we thought that you all might wanted the opportunity to voice your opinion on the matter.

We are watching them tomorrow, and then if we are to release them two at a time they will come out Thursday and Saturday, but if you want four at once, then they will all drop on Saturday. So, what do you prefer?

We can't believe we are so close to finishing what have become one of our favourite series ever.. Oh, and thank you so much for your support, as always 💜



Ya’ll need to watch full metal alchemist brotherhood after!!


Two at a time would be better i think. Gives us time to stew over all the great moments other than choking it all down in one sitting.


Are you planning on commenting after each part? If so, then I would say two at a time. That way there is commentary to end on for the upload Thursday. If you plan on mostly just doing commentary at the end of all four, then I would wait to upload all four


Crossing fingers for the split in two ☺️


I voted all at once. It doesnt really matter but if you release two at once i will just wait till i can watch them all together! I already planned to get alot of icecream while binge watching the last 4 🤭. IM SO EXCITED FOR YOUUUU! Tears are gonna drop because the show will end. Cant wait to become an emotional mess together with you guys, while watching the finale for the 100th time 😂.

Patrick RL

Two at a time is best.


This is a hard decision, I feel like it’s meant to be watched all at once but I’m fine with either


They ARE going to watch it all at once. They're only referring to how they're going to release it to us.


I prefer two at a time simply because it will allow for more discussion in the comments on the individual episodes.


Since all will be released by Saturday regardless of which wins I feel having them split up should be the best choice. Simply because it allows more room for discussion on each episode. I feel like if all were out at the same time most of the comments will go to the last episode. There are interesting things to discuss that happen before the very last episode I feel could be lost if all four are out at once.


Two at a time!! please :)


As of right now, the votes are 74 for "Two at a time" and 73 for "All four at once". Very close this one.


Voted for all at once for my own selfish reasons. 😅 I have a deadline to meet on friday and if possible, i'm trying to avoid any distractions before that. But hey I'm okay with either. It will just be down to me vs my self control if you end up doing 2 at a time lol.

Austin D

I mean you can watch two at a time, but just make sure to talk about each one after!\


but on that note, i'm so excited for you guys tomorrow!!! wish i could experience watching the finale for the first time again. happy watching ☺️


I voted all at once :)


This was as exciting as the US president election is right now. I'm fine either way on this. I'll be fine either way on the other but I'd prefer one way I'm sure.


So you guys gonna release 2 episodes today ? or all 4 in 2 days ?


Im waiting rn..hoping 2 are coming