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After the failed invasion of the Fire Nation, the Gaang heads towards The Western Air Temple, with Zuko right behind them. How is he going to approach them now that he has decided to help the Avatar? This is so freaking exciting, and something we really have been waiting for. Redemption arc!! 😅


Avatar S03E12 Reaction FULL

This is "Avatar S03E12 Reaction FULL" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



what bending would you guys chose if you could?

Libby DVR

It's a big bad badger frog.

Austin D

man what a great episode. Can't WAIT for what is to come. Let's learn some firebending :D "Hello, Zuko here"

Libby DVR

The end of Zuko Alone also shows his character growth. In his confrontation with Ozai he blames the fire nation for how the other nations feel about them. He could have felt that they deserved it but he doesn't. It's so hard to see those kinds of moments but they all build and just, this show is perfection. Katara was also like this with Jet. She's the fastest to trust, but if she'd burned she is very angry about it.


Loved the reaction, such an emotionally charged episode! Also LOVE the design of the Wester Air temple, it's basically the air nomads' collective middle finger to the concept of gravity. Katara's powerful speech at the end always stands out to me. I think she carries a lot of anger about not only being betrayed at Basingse but also that she almost used the spirit water on Zuko, meaning Aang would not have been able to survive Azula's strike.


This episode is a 10/10. It feels very intense even when there is no action because the dialogue is so strong. When Aang accepts Zuko as his teacher it's such a relief because it feels like the show has worked so hard for it. You thought it was shaping up to happen at S2 finale but then they take it away from you, they add more character progression, more struggles, more attempts for Zuko to reach a decision, and finally they give it to you in a completely believable manner. Perfect writing


Oh man that cry at the end had me crying😭 let’s pray for their hearts from here on


Ahh Kat I love how excited you are about Zuko now! He is definitely a handsome boi and we just want the best for him :D Also in the scenes where the group accepts Zuko, they show us him smiling on his non-scarred side, which I love, since it represents a new era for Zuko with new friends, and he's moving on from his scarred past with his father.


What a lovely episode and reaction! Never ceases to amaze me how this show affects people. It truly is more than a show. It has real characters who have flaws. It teaches a plethora of life lessons from compassion and empathy to love and kindness. I'm so glad we get to share it with you guys. This show keeps giving greatness even after it's over.


I've been waiting for Kat's reaction to this episode ever since the series started and seeing how invested both of y'all were made my whole day. Zuko was my favorite character growing up as a kid and taught me a lot about myself and growing up, I love to see when other people get and celebrate the nuance in his character


can't wait to see your reaction for the 4 parter ending! :D

Ruma Risto

Iroh in season 2 ep 9: "Zuko, you must let go of your feelings of shame if you want your anger to go away. Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame." In this episode Zuko has finally let go of his feelings of shame and anger. Now he is capable of showing true humility as he even offers himself as a prisoner. The Western Air Temple is such a powerful episode. It makes Zuko the protagonist who needs to convince the "villains" to accept him. (I had the exact same reaction as Kat when I first watched this episode 😭)


I'm happy Sonny you've mentionned the season 2 finale. This last season really highlights how Azula and Zuko are emulating the parent giving/nourishing them of their approval. Azula really feels like a more ruthless version of Ozai while Zuko more and more of a representation of his mother and uncle. The contrast is even stronger between the way they're handling relationships. Azula's portrayed as a younger Ozai-like character. Azula approaches relationships by establishing a power dynamic where one can exploit the most out of it; the end should usually justify the means. Lying, deceit, intimidation, fear, hostility, they're all valid tools to get her way. Though you could argue that besides Ozai, her twin aunts, Ty-lee and Mei, she doesn't really have any other relationships. She's mostly a take of the cold-hearted sociopath. Meanwhile Zuko's slowly aknowledging with the importance of empathy, humility and kindness - while trying to harmonize this with his changing/growing definition of what honor is and where it should lie. This episodes I feel is the highlight of where you really see the result of Zuko's change through his various "inner monologues". I'm gonna repeat it as usual but your reactions and analysis are consistently so much fun. You hit the nail on so many good points. Thanks for sharing this I love that excitement and authenticity you guys have!


This is definitely why Zuko's character arc is one of the greatest in TV history, such a rewarding feeling after almost 3 seasons of build up. Love the reactions guys!


Combustion guy's ability is very rare. He was probably the only one in the whole world who had that ability so there's was no one to teach him the ins and outs of his abilities, or how dangerous his bending can be. Fire bending is dangerous as Zuko told in this episode and combustion guy's bending is more advanced than normal firebending so the danger is doubled. There's a reason why he has a metal arm and leg. He's basically a noob who had to teach himself combustionbending through trials and errors until it ended his life.


He should have added and you used to be my great- grandfather so we are on the same side.

Shawn Young

One of the things I always think about when I watch this episode is that Zuko is basically Aang’s great grandson. Aang is the reincarnation of Roku, Zuko’s great grandfather. They are basically family. And Zuko knows this. Unfortunately the gang doesn’t know.


Can’t wait for you to react to the next episode it’s a great one!

Sonny Mike Olsen

Zuko was ALWAYS kind hearted and insightful, but he was traumatically burned, physically and emotionally, and warped through the manipulative, evil ways of his father (and sister). I think Katara, as a very motherly person, gravitates towards these troubled characters because she wants to help and acknowledge them. But she has experienced loss and maybe even borderline neglect, so I understand that she easily feels mistrusting when people betray and hurt her. I get that.


Sonny you crack me up every time you slip in a Star Wars thing. "Do it."


Thats why i believe he had to go through all those things on his journey (also going back to the firenation and getting accepted). If he hadnt, i dont think he would have realized that what he did was wrong and that capturing the Avatar wouldnt give back his honor and wouldnt figure out that his destiny was to help the Avatar.


If for no other reason than Kat's sake I've been really looking forward to this one finally landing. It's a great episode all around but for Zuko believers it really is cathartic.


I've never thought of that! I wouldn't be suprise if the writers purposely thought of combustion man hurting himself while learning his skills and intentionally adding the metal arm and leg. Rather than just for the sake of making him look strong. Thanks! I love learning new things from other fans that I never thought of before.


Thanks for your genuine reactions and thoughts every time! So good to see you guys watch this episode!


Great discussion! Definitely one of my faves. I think Katara's reasoning also comes from her being the one to bring Aang back from the dead, I remember being little and watching the season 2 finale and being so angry at Zuko walking towards Aang and Katara after Azula shot him, and then I got to sit with those feelings of Zuko hatred for an entire year before season 3 came out lol but definitely one of the best redemption arcs ever!

Ashley Faith

good point, it would have been fun to have a short interaction between Zuko and spirit Roku