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Things were actually going pretty well for the good guys, but everything quickly went downhill.. Although, Zuko did take advantage of the eclipse to confront a certain someone!


Avatar S03E11 Reaction FULL

This is "Avatar S03E11 Reaction FULL" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



When Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee were disguised as Kyoshi Warriors in Ba Sing Se, that's how they found out about the invasion! The Earth King thought they were the real warriors, and shared all the invasion plans with Azula.


Everyone forgets about that lol I love that the writer’s brought that back!


Kat you’re finally getting your redemption arc! 😃 what a great speech by Zuko. I feel for team avatar. They were so close, but it wasn’t the right time. I loved this 2 parter. Excited for the next episode. Ps. Sonny I love how much you hate Azula lol


Haha I like how Sonny keeps saying "Cmon take Azula out", well although that feeling is justified this is a kids show from Nickelodeon, It´s not like they are gonna chop someone's head off all blood like. Great reaction tho.

Ruma Risto

Zuko rejecting his father is one of the most cathartic moments of the entire series. He finally acknowleged Ozai's behavior as cruel and abusive and realized he is not his father nor should he be. Also, Zuko's redemption arc is one of the best in all of fiction.


The king was a big dummy and spilled the plans to the undercover azula in Ba Sing Se lol


You guys had to be very patient, but you’re finally getting the redemption arc which you’ve been asking for since book one chapter three. I feel you Kat, I’ve been sitting here with a grin on my face whenever one of you mentions the possibility of a redemption arc. I thought it would be fun to keep track of some of your quotes in the discussions as we progressed through the chapters. And I must say, seeing all these quotes together, I really like the 'rollercoaster' you've been on when it comes to when if ever the will be a redemption arc for Zuko. Book 1 Chapter 3 Kat: And I don’t know if I’m completely off here but I really want this guy to do good. Sonny: You want a redemption arc for this guy? Kat: There is something about him that resonates with me. Sonny: We are probably getting way ahead off ourselves here. Kat: Yeah, definitely. Book 1 Chapter 7 Kat: And I’m still rooting for Zuko to actually turn out to be a good guy. Book 1 Chapter 8 Kat: I’m still 100% sure of a redemption arc. I still feel like he is the key to, not necessarily beat the fire lord but at least that he is going to somehow help. Book 1 Chapter 13 Kat: Redemption arc, redemption arc! I’ve been calling for this for so long now and I finally feel like we’re starting down on it. Book 2 Chapter 5 Sonny: We might have to wait even longer for this whole redemption story thing. Kat: I’m starting to question if it’s even gonna happen at this point. I'm just going to agree with everyone else here that Zuko's redemption arc is one of the best. I really hope and do believe you will enjoy it.


What did you guys think about the fire lords story about zuko’s mom?

Austin D

I feel like everyone forgets that the Earth King told Azula about the plan in Season 2, and it catches you so off guard! Including me when I first watched it lol. They put a lot of trust in the kids that were watching this back in the day haha


They were so captivated from that scene with Ozai and Zuko but yet they did not mention once or talked about Zuko's mother in the recap. I feel like that should've been one of biggest topics of discussion from this episode. Ozai reveals not only that Ursa might still be alive, but that she sacrificed herself to spare Zuko's life! And Zuko's tearful reaction to that, like come on!

Austin D

This episode really shows you how important it was for Zuko to betray Iroh at the end of Season 2. He really needed to see for himself why this path wasn't right for him. also i kind of love how much Sonny hates Azula lol


I'm honestly just so happy for Kat because.. redemption arc. xD

Libby DVR

Yay! It's so funny how people kind of forgot how upset they were when they saw Zuko go back in season 2 and it's because we knew this was better. It's a masterpiece. Him going back and discovering it wasn't what he wanted, him confronting Ozai, having a redemption arc with ups and downs is just so powerful and realistic. It's upsetting first time you see it but now you see it was worth it. Now on to prove himself to Team Avatar. We'll see how that goes...


remember! the earth king accidentally told azula about the invasion plan when she was pretending to be a kyoshi warrior

Sonny Mike Olsen

Uhm.. oooookaayyy. And you think we did that on purpose? Sometimes we simply forget to talk about stuff until after we have turned off the camera and it’s too late to get it in the video. Just like we totally forgot about the Earth King and how he told Azusa about the invasion. So please just relax, we’ll talk about it in the next one 🙂

Sonny Mike Olsen

It's interesting. But since people comment on it, we've kinda been spoiled that it's coming into play at some point


a lot of people forget that, because it was such a short moment, they never bring up again till now. Smart writing. they wanted you to forget.


I love the delivery on the line "Your penalty will be far steeper" and then the animation for the lightning. When Azula used lightning she had to do all these movements with her arms but Ozai can create it almost instantly and it looks even stronger.


and he did two at once, one with each arm. he drew a circle with each hand like Azula always does, Azula used both hands to make one.


Sonny, just curious, now that you have seen more of Zuko's arc and the truly satisfying nature of Zuko's confrontation with his father in the Season 3 Day of Black Sun Pt 2 episode, how does it affect your perspective on the Season 2 finale?


Kat, Sonny, thank you very much for your reviews! You are amazing!)


Azula can beat a lie detector because she's a psychopath so she doesn't have remorse, empathy or much (if any) emotion. So her breathing or heart rate wouldn't change when lying because she has no anxiety and no stress response (increase heart rate from adrenaline), which normal people do experience when lying.


This episode is so satisfying to me personally because it makes me think back to when Iroh was trying to teach Zuko the technique for channeling lightning. It requires a sense of balance. Zuko finally found his.


I think it is also because she simply has been lying all of her life. Zuko even said in Book 2. "Azula always lies.". Some people can lie to a point were lie detectors fail because they have learned to fade the line between truth and lie. In their head lying and telling the truth is essentially the same thing. The brain doesn't even make a distinction any more. To the point were even when they say the truth it is as if they were lying. Even when Azula tells Zuko honest truths, she sounds like she is plotting something. Because everything she says is always calculated. The beach episode is the only episode i can think of where she drops that guard for a second, and even then barely.


I so enjoyed your deep & profound satisfaction of this episode. I know so many of us were looking forward to you guys cashing out on the emotional payoff that is this episode. Seeing you guys overwhelmed is satisfying in a weird way. The contrast of this episode is indeed super good. The failure from Aang's gang hurt so much; at the same time, the catharsis you get of Zuko's confrontation with his father is so god-damn powerful. I think Zuko's failures and life stumbling are what makes his struggle so relatable and the catharsis ; As humans, we want to believe that our mistakes don't need to be the only thing that defines us. Him failing to rise up to the occasion at the end of the season 2 finale is what the catharsis so powerful. He's getting back control of his own happiness and the only thing as a viewer you can feel is pride. And my god I loved the symbolism Sonny mentioned about Zuko redirecting the lightning. It made palpable the concept that Zuko's father had no longer ANY soft of power over him. Cathartic!