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After yet another heavy episode, it is time for some levity! This time in the form of scams and Toph and Katara butting heads. But there's still plenty of room for character development and good life lessons, as always 😄

The early reaction to this one was scheduled for today, but because of The Boys delays, it will come out tomorrow instead. 


Avatar S03E07 Reaction FULL

This is "Avatar S03E07 Reaction FULL" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Libby DVR

Well you don't want to ask the creators for any sort of political commentary. That's one of the big ways Korra fails. Get ready for some hot takes on socialism (and since you can't see I should tell you I'm rolling my eyes) when you watch that. As well as several other ideologies. Something as big as uniting the nations is way out of their depths.

Libby DVR

I feel like Kat must share some similarities to Katara. I always see her point of view in their arguments as well. Most people take Toph's part and think Katara is annoying. I adore Toph but she can be abrasive. It's not all Katara's fault when they squabble and while Katara can say things in a overbearing way Toph name calls, and like slams the earth tent in her face and stuff, that would make me mad. It's both of them, their strengths and weaknesses and I appreciate the show for showing the girls fighting not over a boy or over jealousy but as real people who need and are actively trying to understand each other. I was the oldest child of a single mom so I understand Katara too. So I certainly understand her as well. (I wrote the above before I got the the end of your video)


Great reaction, as always :)

Libby DVR

What you were saying about growing up with the show, just a quick side note. My daughters, when they want me to put their hair up, they ask me to make them look like Zuko. Hehe. It's so cute.


Well korra doesn't fail in that matter so you must have some delusions. If they successfully portray things, how is it a failure? Theres plenty of political representation in avatar too. You must be too dull to notice it.


I remember a comment on this episode that said Aang and Sokka are normally very intelligent on their own but put them together and it's like they only have one brain cell between them lol


Great reaction as always you two. Just my perspective about the topic in your beginning section about previous episodes on uniting/separating the nations in Avatar. I think Guru Pathik and Roku had different points in their two lectures/explanations, but not necessarily different philosophies. For example, I think the Guru's point about the four nations being an illusion and that they are one people was just pointing out that the everyone is human. The nations are at war with one another through artificial means, but truly are four groups of the same species that can coexist. Roku was saying the four nations should be separate because his friend was talking about conquering other nations and assimilating them to their empire/culture (when Sozin mentions 'sharing the prosperity' with the rest of the world, I think he's implying that through conquest, cultural removal, etc, think colonial Americans if they said share their technology and success with Native Americans, or the Soviets with Eastern Bloc countries, etc). I don't think the message is them being different countries with their own identities and cultures is a bad thing, I think it's just don't use the differences you do have as a reason to attack others, they're just different. To me, the best combination of both Guru Pathik's and Roku's lessons that you mentioned, is Iroh's lesson on all of those things to Zuko after he got wounded in S2.


Personally, I think that's a great message as well, to think of the immense cultural differences between nations, compare the USA to Japan to Denmark. Those three countries may have very different cultures, that may emphasize certain virtues or skills, but that doesn't mean one is lesser. Someone can be well-rounded, by studying them all, and still retain their native identity. Like Iroh studying the waterbenders, even though he still is (not by choice) tied to being a firebender.


I love that genuine enthusiasm you guys have either through your analysis or simply when watching. It feels like you guys are so engrossed by the show it's super entertaining for us too. I like that not only do you talk and analyse the show but you also take time to share how it makes you feel. The authenticity of what you're sharing makes it even more satisfying for me.


The blind jokes in this episode are really funny. I think there is a side note with these jokes. They treat Toph as any other person and they don't see her disability. The show makes her weakness her strength and we forget about her blindness. You both really sync in your reactions and that's so cute. I love hearing how these episodes has meanings from you both!

Sonny Mike Olsen

I do very much identify with Katara. Our first three letters are the same, too 😉 Who my mom is (oldest child of a single mother and the impact that had on her identity) has very much been passed on to me. And as I grew older, I've gone from being a Toph to being a Katara, and acknowledged how wonderful my mom is and appreciate many of the genes, things, and lessons she has given me. Where I used to sever and distance myself from my mom, I've come to embrace and love her and that part of myself that is her "doing" ❤️ I am not afraid to be mom-like, independent and authorative, like Katara. Because I'm also responsible, loving, caring, empathetic, and always trying to do what is best for me and my surroundings. We need to see where we're all coming from. What trauma, experience and background we're born and moulded out of. We need to see and acknowledge our individual differences, start listening to each other, find some common ground, even if the common thing is "agree to disagree" and stop taking sides (aka "Toph's right" or "Katara's right" or or or...). And yes! So great they're not fighting over boys, as so many other teenage girl-characters often seem to be in basically every. other. show. *cough* Naruto *cough*


Since you were talking about how Katara dealt with her emotions about her father in Chapter 1. If you recall, Aang asked her. "Are you angry at your dad?" And she was shocked, and confused why he would ask that. Because to this point she didn't even realize how she treated him. She never really thought about her feeling until then, she just concentrated on the war and Aangs injury. But when her father confronted her about it after Aang ran away, it all came spilling out. All the emotions she had bottled up over all this time.


that comment by sokka about not remembering his mom's face but katara's instead always gets me man... the next episode is probably my second most favorite episode of the series when i watched it as a kid. cant wait for thursdaaay


love your reactions and discussions they are the best!