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We get a whole lot of insight into the past, and how the war started.. pheew, what a ride!
This was such an interesting episode, and we loved everything about the past and the lessons both Aang and Zuko received. 


Avatar S03E06 Reaction FULL

This is "Avatar S03E06 Reaction FULL" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



My fav episode of the series personally, the storytelling, both by using visuals and dialogue are perfect. And that constantly changing Avatar theme with Roku is so incredible. I just love it

Libby DVR

Kat, wear what you want. Though I did love that top, those sleeves were so pretty.


Interesting fact: The beginning of the flashback symbolizes the end of the episode. Roku trips over the tree trunk and Sozin catches him, but decides to still let him fall. This parallels the end of the flashback, Sozin goes to help Roku at the island, but decided to abandon (let him fall). The makers confirmed this parallel.


My favorite episode. One thing to note, we don't know for sure that the hair piece that Iroh gave to Zuko was the same one that Roku wore. Iroh was the crown prince before the shenanigans that led to Ozai being crowned firelord. Based on what we saw I would think that Roku's remains are likely still buried and a new hair piece was made for Iroh. The symbolism is the same though.


Just as likely though that one is not buried with the Hair piece. And instead it is handed over to the next person. I don't think they ever confirmed anything to that subject so i guess we all can just assume. Although Roku wasn't wearing it when he was covered by the Vulcan Ashes. So it could be the same.

Libby DVR

Yeah, I'm confused by the hair thing because you see it fall off the bed side when they run out during the eruption so I guess the only explanation is someone went to get it.


One of the best episodes of the series in terms of themes, storytelling, lore etc. One thing that I never realized until very recently was during Roku's training arc we see the Northern Water Tribe. It has no wall, its completely open. Which makes sense because there was no war back then. This show always with the little details.


Well Iroh said it was A artefact. Not THE artefact. Could be the one Iroh had, since he was the actual Prince over Ozai.


Do you remember when Aang asked Zuko in The Blue Spirit Episode, if he thinks they could have been friends. Before the war. Now we know, they were. And Aang is the reincarnation of Zukos great Grandfather. They have always been connected. Also, is it just me, or does Avatar Rokus wife look a little bit like Katara. Who knows, maybe Aang fell for Katara because of that. Maybe the Avatar has a type.

Ruma Risto

You guys are the best! Would you react to episodes 10 and 11 together since they are a 2-parter?

Ruma Risto

The two dragons from Zuko's fever dream in "the Earth King" episode were actually Roku and Sozin's dragons. They were voiced by Iroh and Azula's voice actors respectively.

Austin D

"Some friendships are so strong they can even transcend lifetimes." Favorite quote from the whole series. Yeah the hair piece wasn't the same one. It's just the symbolism.

Austin D

There are two AMAZING novels about Kyoshi's life where you see her youth too :) Second one came out 3 months ago!


AMAZING episode and great reaction! There was some foreshadowing of this a while back, remember when Zuko had that dream and the blue dragon and red dragon were talking to him? Those represented the evil and good in him (Sozin and Roku - who also happened to have blue and red dragons respectively)


Roku’s dragon choosing to die with him makes me cry every time. What a great episode. Love that Monk Gyatso & Roku were friends.

Zachary Cadena

One of my favorite episodes. Next to Tales of Ba Sing Se


Fang the dragon circling around Roku always makes me cry, no matter how many times I've seen it.


I love Sozin's first instinct was to help his old friend but alas it didn't last long just like when they were kids training firebending.


I love that they got Ron Perlman to voice Sozin. His voice is so great


The hair piece thing is a royal artifact meant to be worn by the crown prince. Each crown prince should own one, Iroh has one because at once point in time he was the crown prince. I'm guessing Zuko never got one because Ozai does not want him to be his successor.


Yup, sadly Roku failed to stop the volcano. Remember in season one when Aang battled a volcano, and he won? I'll let you deduce what the volcano symbolizes. ;)


Although the one Aang was fighting was more Tame and not two Volcanos which erupted multiple times. I don't think Aang could have done much in Rokus situation. He was a fully developed Avatar and the Fire Lord was helping him a bit.


I love how the volcano has lighting sprouts coming out of it as it erupts. Probably one of the inspirations of the creator making firebender able to bend lightning.


I've been waiting for this episode to finally say that Kat you were right! During episode 1 of book 3, you had a feeling that there was something more or deeper when Avatar Roku told Aang that he inherited his problems/mistake.


One of my favorite episodes in the entire series. Not absolute favorite (that's still to come) but pretty high up there. I mentioned back in S1 that this show has more than a little Star Wars in it and it showed that off a bit of that here. The big lineage reveal for Zuko as well as setting him up as a figure intended to restore balance. Those aren't unique to Star Wars by any means but they're certainly keys in that series as well.


Both Aang and Zuko did. Another parallel between them.


Just a quick thanks, again. You guys make a great duo. ☺️


I just started the second one, so good