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This was certainly an interesting episode, especially since we didn't really follow the "gaang" for the majority of it. Instead we got to spend time with another group made up of.. less likable characters 😂 


Avatar S03E05 Reaction FULL

This is "Avatar S03E05 Reaction FULL" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Haven’t even watched this yet but I need to say this is the most appropriate thumb nail for this episode. Hilarious! XD (Edit: I watched! Great reaction and analysis as always! This is actually a favorite episode of mine.)


Is this going to be a double upload?


I am not sure if you guys are aware, but theres a sequel show called the Legend of Korra that takes place after the events of avatar... so if you dont want your journey in this particular universe to be over, then maybe you could consider watching it after you finish this? I feel you two would really enjoy it.


Can't wait for the next episodes.


Hey guys another great reaction! And wow, sorry a lot of viewers have been giving you a hard time about your opinion over Azula. People in the fandom are so hostile against any criticism of her character, I've seen it happen with other reactors. But you're handling it well which is great to see. Once again, another great reaction! You two always have great insight!

Austin D

I really didn't like this episode when I first watched it, but man I enjoy it so much now. These 4 kids had very strange/bad upbringings, so showing how they compare with normal teens is so great. Their stories are extremely sad, especially on a second watch. I think yes you can say Azula is one-note, but I don't think that is a bad thing at all. That's purposeful. She was raised by a terrible father. She knows NOTHING besides holding power over people. That is all she was taught for 14 years. It's depressing. Her story moving forward is very good if you can see that. I'm curious how your opinion changes after the show is done, if at all! No worries if it doesn't haha.

Libby DVR

That flash back was Iroh holding baby Zuko and Lu Ten building the sand castle ;'( So may great Azula moments. I love the, "Well that sounds really shallow and stupid...let's try it." Hilarious. Most people really love the line from the volleyball. I've seen video of the actress being asked to do that line like in the grocery store. She seems nice because she did it. And yeah this is sort of showing the weakness of Azula and the others, this show always shows peoples strengths and weaknesses. Azula only knows war, which shows how badly her father messed her up.

Libby DVR

I think Zuko would always have taken that chance. That one more chance to go back and do it 'right'. Whoever offered, or no one offered, him just seeing any opportunity to capture Aang...he would have taken it. It would always be in him, that 'what if' question if he hadn't taken it and tried. He needed to see for himself.


based on this reaction, there is one aspect in LOK that i don't think they'll enjoy 😅


Sonny, don’t worry about people not liking your point of view on Azula. They have watched the full show maybe more than once and you haven’t and her character is not for everyone. You think she is a horrible person and that matters because it means the writers did a good job. She is supposed to be seen as plain evil and fans know that! I know you guys will understand why people defend her so much by the end of the show, they defend the writing, not the actions of the character. Great reaction as usual! So exited for what’s to come.


That reaction and discussion was super entertaining. I'm happy you guys keep saying what's on your mind it makes it worth it. I love both of your inputs and analysis. Your perspectives are fun to hear. On related note, you're right that Azula has quite a different viewpoint on how&what should be the foundation of a relationships. I personally see her as being raised as some sort of a prodigious child soldier/weapon with all the distorted perspectives that comes with it. So it's perfectly valid to see her as one-note because she kind of is. By the end of the show I'd love to expand a little more on it because I feel there's a little more depth to her than meets the eye. (Or I might just be wearing rose-colored glasses) Anyways great analysis it's so much fun listening to the both of you

Ruma Risto

Thanks again for the great reaction. The next episode is one of the best in the entire series. Can't wait for your reaction to that! Zuko has been showing almost every symptom of child abuse during the course of the series. He has temper tantrums and anger issues, he is self-loathing, self-destructive, depressed and so insecure. As you probably remember from his childhood flashbacks, Zuko was a very kind-hearted boy who was horrendously punished for showing compassion for his people. His deep emotional trauma is still affecting him after he has regained his father's respect. And as for Azula, keep in mind that she is a victim of Ozai's abuse almost as much as Zuko is. She has been raised simply as a tool for war and this poor girl can't even function in a normal society. She is obviously very talented and intelligent and Ozai certainly respected her but he never loved her like Ursa and Iroh loved Zuko. Azula is cruel and diabolical but she is also one of the show's most tragic characters.

Douglas Kelley

I guess you did not watch the beginning of the video before the reaction....


Wow every comment here has said what I wanted to say. And also, the general consensus is that Ty Lee is a septuplets because she is 1 in 7 siblings who looks exactly like each other. The assassin that Zuko sent is a fire bender. When they showed his first "fire blast", they emphasised on his stomach and Guru Pathik said that the fire chakra is located in the stomach. He managed to unlock certain power? advance bending like Toph and metal bending. Yes and not many picked up on it that it is Iroh holding baby Zuko playing with his son during one of Zuko's flashback. The little details in this show is amazing. Love you guys as always! And I can't wait to see you guys react to the next episode!!! One of the best!


The assassin Zuko hired is using a sub-division of fire bending called combustion bending.


I know a lot of people don't like this chapter, but i personally love this episode. It reminds us, that all of these "Villains" are Teenagers with a troubling past. They all have issues going on and are a lot deeper than just. "Fire Nation evil. Everyone else good." Life doesn't work that way.


Best thumbnail so far lol


Yes the big guy with the third eye is using fire bending. If you'll recall back when Iroh was training Zuko, he told him fire bending starts in the stomach. If you watch the assassin closely he always inhales deeply then clenches his stomach right before he fires off a blast.


New Patreon. Love your reactions and character analysis. On my first watchof the show I really disliked this Episode because of all the secondhand-embarrasment I got while watching it, but now it is one of my favorites. Regarding Azula: I've finished watching the show, so I know where her character arc goes and why she is the way she is. I think she is interesting, but I still dislike her. A lot. People can have different opinions on characters.


I think it was important for Zuko to make that betrayal in Book 2. It gave him everything he THOUGHT he wanted, and made him realize that it doesn't make him happy. Now he is forced to do what Iroh asked him to do at lake Laogei. Asking himself the real questions, who he is and what HE wants. He thought he knew what he wanted, but now that he got it, he realizes that he doesn't know what he wants. It forces him to ask this question of what he actually wants.


I made a nice comment for discussion, but apparently it got deleted :(?


was there maybe a spoiler in it? (i don't know if they have moderators here)


I don't know if you've ever seen it, but this episode felt like The Breakfast Club for Avatar lol


Like Kat I to thought the group therapy scene there towards the end was just scrapping the surface and was left wanting more. That's the narrative focal point of the episode after you strip all of it's utter silliness away. But when you weigh that scene in the context of what this show was, a half hour cable TV show (22-23 minutes long) aimed at an adolescent audience a decade ago, giving that kind of glimpse into the psychological underpinnings of not just some of it's main characters like Zuko but also secondary characters like Mai and Ty Lee ... it's remarkable that it was ever made. I say remarkable but ... also necessary. For more than one reason. Once you see where the story goes from here.

Preetkanwar Sandhu

I feel regarding the destroying the party pad scene that it might be important to recognize that these rich bozos are probably rich enough to avoid being conscripted into the army, so they're essentially freeloaders. While soldiers are fighting, these guys are partying it up, and they're no older than Zuko and the gang. I'm not saying this justifies Azula and gang's actions, but it allows you to take it lightly.